Happy New Year – get ready for our fantastic January Sale

Happy New Year!

I hope that whatever you were doing, whereever you were, and whoever you were with, you had a good time over Christmas and the New Year.

Thank you for all the Christmas wishes, cards and gifts we were given by our lovely customers. Caroline, Faith, and I, were all very moved by your kindness – especially the lovely comments we received. So many of you said how much you value the shop still being there, and appreciated that it has not been an easy time in retail over the past couple of years. Many of our ‘regulars’ told us how their sewing sessions have helped them through difficult times in their lives. One lovely comment was, “I hope you know that you are much more than a fabric shop, you are a community service. People make friends, get support and there is always a lot of laughter”. Long may that continue.

We managed to see family, had a trip to the panto with our grandchildren (“Oh yes, we did!”), plus a few quieter days at home with some jigsaws and long walks with the dog.

I can now show some of my Christmas sewing: I made my daughter a “wearable blanket”. Perhaps you have seen them? They are fleecy over-sized garments with a hood and a big pocket, a cross between a dressing gown and a sleeping bag. Big enough to pull over your knees and feet when curled up on the sofa, perfect for chilly mornings and evenings, to use when camping, or to change under on the beach.

When I had finished it I realised that I needed to make two more for her children or they would be stealing hers! So more fleece was purchased and more cutting and sewing. They are quite simple to make, but it took almost as long to clean the house afterwards as all the fibres of fleece fly everywhere as soon as the fabric is cut or moved! The garments were all a great success though, as you can see!

Read the full newsletter.