September Special Offer – huge discounts on all waddings

Wow – what a whirlwind of a month August turned out to be for me! I don’t think my feet touched the ground, but I am not complaining as we’ve had some lovely family times.

We started the month with a few days away in Nottinghamshire to celebrate Alan’s birthday by visiting an air museum! I thought he had been to them all, but no, apparently there a few still to be seen!

The birthday boy at an air museum. He was allowed to go inside this Jetstream and sit in the Captain’s seat where his dad had sat and flown this aircraft 45 years before!

No sooner were we home than we drove to collect my eldest granddaughter to stay for a few days. Olivia was able to join in with one of the Quick Sew sewing classes on Thursday morning at the shop, and then in the afternoon made herself a pair of denim shorts! She was my shop assistant on Friday morning, and then made another pair of shorts that afternoon too.

Even though she is only just a teenager, she has shot up in height and is already taller than me, so she was certainly in need of new shorts!

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